Saturday, June 26, 2010

All city 2009

This is Janie at all-city 2009. Does it look like she’s having fun?  Can you say poster-child for fun.  All-City 2009 was a little different in that mom wasn’t around.  Kate headed to California to surprise her oldest dearest childhood friend for her wedding and missed out on the all-city experience.  We tried to capture some good pictures for her and call her when we could.



Maeve the boxing mouse

We discovered this nasty varmint in our HOUSE!!!

I highly suggest you check in your own home, I’ve heard there’s an outbreak this season.

Thankfully we were able to hire an exterminator over the weekend.  He claimed a unique and humane approach.

Working under the bill of “mouse-wrestling skeleton.”


Couch Potatoes (apple doesn't fall far...)

Here's the sedate kids on the couch watching a morning show prior to heading to Spain. Hope they're ready for all the activity we are going to inflict on them. Wonder if I should start a training regiment in these last 2 weeks as we are waiting for the trip… "One, two, three… get those knees up!!! Ready… Hit it! ". If you're curious where Maeve is… she's so sedate she's still sleeping! Or maybe she's taking on the Spanish culture already of afternoon ciestas and late nights of promenading to stay out of the afternoon heat.