Thursday, July 15, 2010

Still sateside…

Well, we’re still stateside.  Hopped the bus from Madison to Chicago (thanks Rev),

overnight at a no-frills all-expenses hotel by O’Hare.  And now we’re off with our international flight from Washington, D.C..  So far so good.  The kids haven’t been perfect, but have been better than expected.  Right now they’re playing cards on the airport floor.

Who needs electronics??   Seriously.  WE DO!!  Charging them up right now for the big 7 hour flight.  Maeve was all chatty (and loud at that) on the short flight from Chicago here.  Luckily my seat assignment was far from that loud little loud girl, and she fell asleep for a part of the trip.  I’m hoping she’s all chatted out for this flight as I suspect the seating assignments will be altered for this flight and not in my favor!! 

Looking forward to watching the soccer match tomorrow.  Watched a little bit of the 3rd place match at the Washington airport.  Go Germany! Up 2 to 1 last I heard.  We’ll be loading shortly, so I’m shutting down now.  Everyone’s cheering for Spain tomorrow, right!!

The international flight turned out to be a BREEZE!!  They have these sleek personal entertainment systems on the back of every seat.  They had movies… Jane and I watched Percy and the lightning thief.  (found out later that Theo did too… A little gruesome for him with Medusa’s head getting severed and carried around.  A small parenting FAIL there.  Ahhhh… he’ll survive).  Kate was watching some sentimental girl-flick…  Some handsome (inside and out) guy meets beautiful (inside and out) girl and find what they need to live happily ever after tra la la.  Maeve found cartoons.  Zeke played some video games.  They also had music (listened to a little Jackson Browne and sampled all sorts of other artists that I’d heard of and not heard of) and a few videos too.  Made the trip EASY.  Only downside… Zeke sort of latched into the entertainment and forgot to get some sleep in.  Me too, I guess.  Though I really didn’t feel I needed sleep.  Maeve did end up crashing… I’m obliged to put in this sleeping shot of her just to up the cuteness factor of this blog..

Zeke was preoccupied with not missing the sunrise and was checking every 2 minutes.  He was rewarded (the shot does no justice to the beauty)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

We're officially switching over to
Please follow us there.
Spain is only 6 days away!!! (and I'm a little scared).